xmlns:b='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/b' xmlns:data='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/data' xmlns:expr='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/expr'> Interior and Exterior Design: 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Project plan TPQ desa lumbang rejo prigen pasuruan....
dengan design semi minimalis
kesan yang di tampilkan atractif,bersih,indah dan rapi tentunya....
terdiri dari beberapa kelas dan 2 lantai.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Modern And Beautiful Patio Lighting Design Ideas

Modern And Beautiful Patio Lighting Design IdeasModern And Beautiful Patio Lighting Design Ideas
Modern And Beautiful Patio Lighting Design IdeasModern And Beautiful Patio Lighting Design Ideas
Modern And Beautiful Patio Lighting Design Ideas
Many humans wish a admirable patio lighting in the black with a blow of avant-garde patio lights, how to accept a balustrade ablaze that gives the consequence of affluence and abundance in your home. Some admonition from the experts advance architecture exoteric patio ablaze is not too bright, Because the architecture of the patio lights are too ablaze actualize glare, for it was a accomplished ablaze is acceptable for affair a lot of of the terrace at night, so night eyes is acute to acclimatize gradually. This is decidedly accurate for the sidewalk and about the aloft patio. After a ablaze clay with low wattage bulbs in these areas is the affair of security, abounding styles of avant-garde balustrade lights on the bazaar today, acquisition advice for your account in designing admirable and avant-garde patio lights.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Modern Apartment Interior Design and Furnishing Ideas

Apartments demand a special interior decorating touch. You must take away the feeling of an apartment by decorating your space without running afoul of the landlord.

Most rentals are often faced with the same lighting fixtures, wall colors, carpet, flooring and cupboards. You can express your creative idea by add in touches that look permanent but actually are not.

Since your landlord might not even let you paint, you can apply large wall stickers, such as poppies that reach from a floor to ceiling to add color to bland walls while giving your space a hand painted effect.

Maybe you need to ask permission to hang up curtains for a homey touch. Many landlords will ask that the lining of the curtains be white so it matches the rest of the window treatments in the building.

One simple thing that adds a huge change for overall appearance is making a statement with furniture. You should spend a little more money to get pieces with style. Look at the overall area building design to take the idea of your furniture and decorating style.

For example, if you live in an art deco building or sleek pieces, just look for curvy line. If you are decorating a building in a modern style for a cohesive look, try to stick with stainless steel legs.

You may be able to get a smaller scale sofa that won't overwhelm the space. Try to use one ottoman instead of two or fewer side tables and floor lamps to free up the floor plan. Having a platform bed may make a room feel bigger than a regular four poster bed that is important so your space does not feel like an interior design living room.

Achieve the look of color. Even when you do apartment interior decorating you might feel like your house is still white and bare. Select for painted furniture pieces with color so the white walls look intentional such as pottery or hanging colorful plates on the wall.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Unique Combination Modular of Garden and Greenhouse

Unique Combination Garden Shed

It is a durable Finnish-made quality product, designed and constructed from Finnish wood and safety glass. Garden Shed Rest equipped with a pergola between the shed and greenhouse is the perfect choice for those who like to take time out from gardening and relax. Kekkilä garden shed range is a unique combination of garden shed and greenhouse, ideal for small-scale cultivation like small house for plant, and the storage of gardening tools. Due to its modular structure, the shed is easy to assemble. Four different sheds to suit all gardening dreams and garden types can be built from the various shed modules and any kind off plant.

Unique Combination Greenhouse
Unique Combination Greenhouse Small Scale Cultivation
Unique Combination Modular Structure of Garden
Unique Combination Modular Structure of Garden Ideal

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Italian Village Theme of Vila Giannina Restaurant Interior by David Guerra Architecture

The Italian Restaurant Vila Giannina with village theme interior

vila giannina restaurant photos

This Italian Village Theme Vila Giannina Restaurant Interior designed by the Brazillian architect David Guerra nad locaten at the ground floor of a residential building at a area of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The restaurant has the capacity to 300 seats and the refinement of an a la Carte restaurant in its menu and decoration but it offers a self service style.

The Italian Restaurant Vila Giannina Furniture and Interior

vila giannina restaurant furniture and interior

The Italian village theme of this restaurant appear using of the plaid and materials such as the straw, the antique wood, the bamboo, the reed and the hidráulico tile create a snugness atmosphere. The functionality and the simple language created by the straight lines reflect the contemporary. The strong colors, the double height room, the exposed structure, the lighting, the rustic materials and the sculpture shelves create a ludic atmosphere. via

cool The Italian Restaurant Vila Giannina lighting

vila giannina restaurant interior photos

natural interior of The Italian Restaurant Vila Giannina

villa giannina restaurant atmosphere

Village theme Italian Restaurant Vila Giannina Entrance

vila giannina restaurant entrance

modern Vila Giannina Restaurant by David Guerra Architecture

village atmosphere of vila giannina restaurant

hardf looring The Italian Restaurant Vila  Giannina design

beautiful vila giannina restaurant lighting

cool The Italian Restaurant Vila Giannina lighting

traditional dining furniture of vila giannina restaurant

rustic italian restaurant interior and decoration

beautiful vila giannina restuarant interior photos

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Shanghai Urban Planning Concept

shanghai urban planning model

Shanghai urban planning model maybe the only one the largest urban planning concept in the world. We know that shanghai population not less than 22 million peoples this is almost 3 times New York population which predicted around 8 million peoples. New York City which has most skyscrapers clustered than any cities in United States we think it’s still nothing if compared with Shanghai city in the future, if we look Shanghai urban planning model there is Skyscraper everywhere. To anticipate Shanghai growth as the busiest business city in the world, the Chinese government tries to reinforce shanghai future concept by pouring Shanghai urban planning into one piece master plan to attract foreign investors. The Shanghai urban planning model was located at Shanghai Urban Planning building, if you are lucky to visit this building you will be impressed by urban planning model of shanghai city which build in 1:2000 scale model. Urban, city, and town planning integrates land use planning and transportation planning to improve the built, economic and social environments of Shanghai communities.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Luxury Resort Interior Design with Mandarin Oriental decoration ideas

Luxury Resort Interior Design decorated with the Mandarin Oriental, located 26 milessouth of Cancun, Mexico, this Luxury Resort Interior Design with Mandarin Orientaldecoration is really perfect for a vacation and get a resort with luxurious interior designand luxurious Mandarin Oriental Riviera Maya is right for you in tune . The ideas of thearchitectural concept Luxury Resort Interior Design decorated with the Mandarin Oriental combination of modern and natural shades will make guests feel relaxed andenjoy relieve stress and eliminate the problems of life. Mandarin Oriental decor isdressing Luxury Resort Interior Design, every room in this luxury resort definitelycomfortable with the feel of oriental produce to the Mandarin Oriental decoration. If youstay at this Luxury Resort you will enjoy a glorious spa, steam room comfortable, the exterior and interior swimming pool, recliners solar and straw bale house mobile,architect Gilberto Borja regarded as a central tradition. Next Luxury Resort MandarinOriental decoration is possible to describe the design and hopefully will inspire yousome ideas.
And you can apply the concept of natural and modern in your resort.

Monday, January 31, 2011

modern villa design

Modern Villa Design – this modern design with privacy is very safe. This villa designs using minimalist interior with a design house minimalist. white, red and black is the color used for the exterior. with a large glass window so the room became very good lighting. These villas are in Mexico, designed by JCNAME Architect.

luxury modern villa Modern Villa Design architect by JCNAME

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Desain Rumah Mungil Yang Artistik

Perkembangan dunia properti saat ini sangat pesat, hal ini ditandai dengan banyaknya pembangunan unit-unit properti, misalnya: apartemen atau kondominium eksklusif yang super mewah atau pembangunan rumah-rumah mungil yang sederhana.

Bersamaan dengan perkembangan dunia properti tersebut, kebutuhan masyarakat akan rumah belakangan ini sangat tinggi. Jika budget kurang mencukupi untuk membeli rumah yang middle end, rumah mungil atau sederhana pun tidak menjadi halangan untuk mewujudkan keinginan memiliki rumah. Hampir semua pengembang menawarkan kavling atau produk rumah mungil, karena tingginya kebutuhan masyarakat akan rumah/tempat tinggal, maka hanya dalam waktu singkat mampu terjual ratusan unit rumah. Masalahnya, banyak pengembang memanfaatkan momentum tersebut dengan membangun rumah mungil dengan fasilitas dan lingkungan yang ala kadarnya seperti yang selama ini kita kenal, yaitu Rumah Sangat Sederhana (RSS).

Mendeskripsikan rumah mungil dengan kondisi seperti itu sudah waktunya diubah. Konsumen adalah raja, manusia juga yang selayaknya diberikan yang terbaik. Rumah harus indah, sehat, dan bersahabat dengan lingkungan. Itulah kata kunci membangun rumah ukuran apa pun, termasuk membangun atau memilih rumah mungil. Rumah mungil yang dipasarkan biasanya memiliki luas maksimal 100 meter persegi dengan ukuran variasi 6 X 15 m, 7 X 15m, atau 8 X 12 m, dan bentuk bangunan rumah standar.

Layout Rumah


Front View

Front View

Indah tidak harus selalu mahal. Kreativitas desain yang arif dan cerdas justru mampu mewujudkan rumah mungil yang hemat bahan bangunan dan menyiasati segala keterbatasan, baik dana maupun lahan. Konsep indah dapat diterjemahkan dalam bentuk denah rumah yang lugas dan mudah pemeliharaan. Keterbatasan lahan mendorong pembangunan rumah mungil bertingkat.

Denah ruang terbuka dan minim dinding pembatas, baik tembok, dinding, atau pintu, membuat ruang terasa lapang. Penggabungan fungsi ruang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan penghuni.

Carport, teras, dan taman depan difungsikan sebagai ruang tamu, ruang bermain anak, parkir kendaraan, bahkan rapat RT/RW. Ruang dalam dioptimalkan sebagai ruang keluarga dan ruang makan. Fungsi ruang keluarga, ruang belajar, dan kamar tidur anak-anak juga dapat ditempatkan di lantai atas hingga ke kolong atap (attic). Taman dan teras belakang dimanfaatkan sebagai ruang makan terbuka, ruang keluarga, dan ruang belajar anak, dengan waktu berbeda.

Kamar mandi merupakan ruang yang memerlukan penanganan dan pemeliharaan khusus, mulai utilitas sanitasi, peranti utama, dan pemilihan bahan. Bahan lantai dari keramik atau teraso bertekstur kasar dimaksudkan agar tidak terpeleset dan berukuran kecil untuk memperluas kesan ruang. Keterbatasan luas dapat dibuat kamar mandi kering dengan shower box tertutup berdinding kaca atau tirai plastik. Penempatan septic tank meski ditempatkan di taman depan, namun jaraknya masih relatif dekat dengan pompa air sehingga untuk jangka panjang dapat mencemari air tanah. Untuk itu, perlu dipertimbangkan ulang penempatan septic tank kolektif dialihkan di taman-taman lingkungan.

Penataan dapur serba praktis menyatu dengan ruang makan atau di teras belakang (ruang makan terbuka).

Konsep umum rumah menyediakan kamar tidur dan kamar mandi pembantu di belakang, di bawah, atau di atas dekat ruang servis, mencuci, dan menjemur. Kini desain ruang servis, mencuci, dan menjemur, kamar tidur dan kamar mandi pembantu serta dapur kotor ditempatkan di bagian depan rumah, bersebelahan dengan ruang keluarga menghadap carport.

Tampilan artistik rumah tidak membutuhkan bahan mahal. Dinding rumah dari batako dan batu bata dengan penyelesaian dinding ekspos atau kombinasi plesteran atau kamprotan dengan pengerjaan hati-hati dan rapi, atau dapat pula memakai dinding pelat baja. Keramik KW-2, KW-3, atau teraso yang unik juga tak kalah menariknya mempercantik lantai rumah. Ketidakpresisian bahan masih dapat disiasati dengan nat-nat lebar.

Isi perabotan rumah harus serbaguna, sesuai dengan prioritas kebutuhan keluarga, dan proporsional antara ukuran perabot dan luas ruang. Meja, sofa, dipan, bawah wastafel, hingga kolong tangga dioptimalkan sebagai tempat penyimpanan barang dan tersebar sesuai dengan kebutuhan fungsi ruang sehingga tidak perlu membuat gudang.

Penyelesaian lantai, dinding, dan perabotan dengan warna dan/atau bahan senada pada ruang luar hingga ruang dalam memberikan kesan luas ruang imajiner. Gradasi perpaduan warna yang tepat di setiap ruang juga turut mempengaruhi kesan luas ruang sekaligus memberikan efek psikologis (terapi kejiwaan) kepada penghuni rumah. Kesatuan tema dan warna akan membantu rumah terkesan teratur dan lapang, antara lantai (gelap), dinding dan perabotan (sedang), dan atap plafon (terang).

RUMAH mungil juga harus sehat. Rumah merupakan tempat terapi kesehatan fisik dan mental penghuni, baik di kala sehat, dalam penyembuhan, atau tengah sakit. Rumah tempat relaksasi memulihkan kesegaran tubuh.

Krisis listrik dan tarif listrik yang terus naik harus diantisipasi dengan prioritas pemakaian perangkat listrik dan desain rumah hemat energi. Optimalisasi sinar matahari sebagai sumber pencahayaan alami rumah sepanjang pagi-sore hari dan sinar rembulan dan bintang di malam hari.

Optimalisasi sinar matahari dan sirkulasi udara dapat dibuat dengan bukaan pintu dan jendela dengan lebar dan panjang hingga menyentuh lantai, tinggi plafon minimal 2,75 meter, serta skylight di atas ruang makan, kamar mandi, atau kamar tidur atas akan memberikan perluasan ruang imajiner.

Setiap ruang diupayakan mendapat sinar matahari dan udara segar yang baik untuk kesehatan rumah dan penghuni serta kocek penghuni. Rumah bahkan dapat meminimalkan pemakaian penyejuk udara (AC), kipas angin, dan lampu, terutama di siang hari.

Pemasangan cermin pada salah satu dinding, seperti di teras, ruang keluarga, dan kamar mandi, akan menambah luas imajiner ruangan. Dekorasi dinding dengan lukisan, foto keluarga, sertifikat, plakat, atau benda etnik sebagai titik perhatian menambah hidup suasana ruang sekaligus memberikan terapi kejiwaan kepada penghuni.

Halaman sempit dapat difungsikan sebagai taman resapan air (taman kering) dengan struktur sederhana dari bawah ke atas, batu apung, ijuk, koral, pasir kasar, dan tanah/koral/ kerikil, dengan ketebalan beragam sesuai kondisi tanah.

Penanaman pohon di taman depan (yang paling memungkinkan) dibandingkan dengan taman belakang merupakan pemasok oksigen sekaligus memberikan keteduhan dan kesejukan kepada penghuni. Di pagi hari, penghuni tetap disarankan membuka jendela dan pintu untuk menjamin ketersediaan sinar matahari dan udara segar masuk menghangatkan ruang dan menggantikan udara pengap dalam rumah.

Rumah mungil akan lebih nyaman jika masalah ketersediaan dan kualitas air bersih yang diperoleh dari PAM, pompa tangan, atau pompa mesin diperhatikan dengan baik, apalagi jika terjadi kesulitan air bersih di musim kemarau. Lalu, bagaimana sistem pengelolaan sampah juga perlu dipelajari dengan cermat, apakah dikelola sendiri (daur ulang) atau disediakan tempat penampungan sementara.

Selain hal-hal yang sudah disebutkan diatas, berikut ini adalah beberapa tips yang dapat digunakan untuk memaksimalkan desain rumah mungil anda :

Interior Rumah Mungil


Cermin menciptakan kesan luas pada ruang. Gunakan cermin di daerah meja makan atau ruang keluarga. Cermin dengan ukuran besar di tempat tepat menghasilkan efek ruang yang kuat. Sebelum cermin diletakkan di dinding, kita dapat mencoba-coba dahulu penempatannya di beberapa tempat untuk mengetahui efeknya pada ruang.


Desain built-in menciptakan kesan ruang yang simpel dan membuat ruang lebih luas. Selain itu dapat mengurangi biaya pembelian furniture. Misalnya di ruang tidur, lemari dapat dibuat “menempel” ke tembok atau di dalam gypsum. Kita hanya perlu membuat ambalan di dalamnya dan membuat pintunya saja hingga memperkecil biaya pembuatan furniture. Bagian dalam lemari dapat dilapisi wallpaper supaya lebih manis.


Misalnya untuk meja makan. Gunakan meja makan kecil dan diletakkan menempel tembok dengan 4 kursi. Kursi yang digunakan lebih baik puff sehingga kesan ruang lebih luas. Gunakan pula coffee table dan credenza yang berukuran kecil.


Jangan memilih furniture yang “berat” dan tebal. Cari furniture yang tipis dan berbentuk rangka, bukan bidang. Contohnya untuk credenza tv, pilih furniture berkaki, jangan yang penuh sampai ke lantai.


Warna ruang jangan gelap untuk bidang dinding yang besar. Pilih warna muda sehingga terang dan berkesan luas.


Gunakan semaksimal mungkin furniture untuk tempat penyimpanan. Misalnya membuat laci-laci di bawah ranjang, nakas yang dapat menyimpan barang, credenza yang dapat memuat majalah-majalah dan semua furniture lainnya. Dengan banyak penyimpanan akan mengurangi barang-barang yang dibiarkan tergeletak dan jika arang bertambah banyak tidak perlu membuat lagi tempat peyimpanan.


Jangan biarkan dinding kosong terlalu besar. Dinding kosong dapat diisi dengan lukisan atau hiasan. Jangan pula dibuat terlalu penuh. Tapi secukupnya saja sehingga bangunan tidak terkesan kosong dan dingin.

Kini, Anda pun dapat menikmati rumah mungil yang indah, sehat, dan bersahabat dengan lingkungan.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

futsal ball field

Lately sport futsal ball is to enjoy doing by various age. From the smallest to the adults. Then this can be an alternative for your business is very lucrative. Therefore should the preparation in building or making the field.
Here are the things that need to be prepared if you are interested to make a futsal
ball field:
wide n rule line field futsal ball:
1.Futsal ball Field rectangular, with size as follows:
* Length: 25-42 m.

* Width: 15-25 m.
2.Futsal ball match international standard sizes:
* Len
gth: 38-42 m.
* Width: 18-25 m.

3Field Signs:
* Field marked with field lines. The line length is larger than the side line (touch line), while the shorter line is goal line (goal line).
* 8 cm wide limit lines.
* Field divided into two equal parts with same wide and given line. The line is called the center line.
4. The central point is marked with a dot right in the middle of the field, then made a circular line with the central point at the midpoint of the circle of radius 3 m.
Penalty Area
The area in front of goal which is marked with half-circle lines is called the penalty area.

Determination of the penalty area are:
• Created two lines are a quarter of a circle of radius 6 m in the field with the center point of each goalpost.
• One end of each line of a quarter circle attached to the goal line. One the other end right in front of each goalpost. The two ends that are in front of the goalposts are connected with straight lines along the 3.16 m parallel to the goal line. Why should be 3.16 m? Because of 3.16 m is obtained from the total width of the goal and the diameter of the thickness of two goalposts, each 8 cm in diameter.

First Penalty Points:
His position is 6 m from the midpoint between the goalposts.
Second Penalty Spot:
Its position is 10 m from the midpoint between the two goalposts.
Corner kick Region
In every corner of each field is made quarter-circle with a radius of 25 cm.
Free Zone:
Smoking area is located in the five meter line around the middle of the field. This area should be free to view to the field, because on the outside of the free zone have the third umpire tables and timers. Distance table this third referee at least two meters from the edge of the field.
Substitution Regional Players
Five yards after the line-free region is an area of substitution. This area is marked with lines that cut the side line. This line width is 8 cm, and length 80 cm (40 cm in the field, 40 cm off the field).
Goal must be placed in the middle of each goal line. The width of the goal is 3 m measured from the inside pole. While the goal is 2 m height was measured from the inside of the crossbar of the goal pole to the floor.
Sectional shape are allowed pole boxes and circles, but the circular cross-sectional shape is preferred, because in addition to relatively safer in case of collision is also the reflection of the ball with more circular cross-section pole produces an accurate direction.
Goal nets made from nylon, which is tied to a pole and crossbar of the goal. The depth of the wicket is 80 cm to the top of the wicket, and 100 cm for the bottom.
Field Surface:
Field surface should be smooth, flat and not slippery. Recommended Material is wood / parakeet. We do not recommend using concrete materials and paving stone. Selection of surface materials of this field aims futsal player safety.
1. If the goal line between 15-16 m, the radius of a quarter circle is only measured at 4 m. In this case the penalty spot was no longer placed on a restricted line of the penalty area, but located at a distance of 6 m from the midpoint between the positions of the two goalposts.
2. The line can be described in wide field, 5 m from the corner of the field and on the right and left corner of the goal line to ensure that this distance can be observed when a corner kick. Line width is 8 cm.
3. Two additional lines with each of the distance of 5 m on the right and left of the second penalty spot to describe the distance of observation when a free kick from the penalty spot made the second.
4. Bench seat behind the field boundary line, right next to the free area located at the front desk timer (time keeper)

All the above is a little explanation about what should be prepared to make futsal ball field.